Looking at the past, to see how far I've gone

Friday, February 15, 2019

Today is February 2019 23;54 wita and i'm writing this.

I was scrolling my files. Open the old folder one to another. My senior highshcool folders, then my junior highschool folders.
Still scrolling down, opened one to another photos and I saw the photos of us in the class, the whiteboard writed 'February 2012'.
I’m freezing. It was a long time ago, it’s been 7 years. But I still remember the detail of the memories in every photos.
The atmosphere, the laugh, the people, the dramas, and the face that know nothing about life.

My junior high school is one of the precious time in my life. It was full of up and down feelings. But i'm grateful that I can handle it, and I thank my self for not giving up.
Now, I see that moment as a beautiful priceless memories. I can smile with no regret.

Past is past, even now will be past too.
The point is,
you don't know how strong you are until you pass it and you can look back with the smile you never imagine before
Sometimes we need to look back just to know how far we have gone

Glad to see that precious smile too. The smile i’ve been miss for many years.

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